Vitamin C
Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid, or simply ascorbate, is an essential nutrient for humans and certain other animal species.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required by the body for the development and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage. Vitamin C is also necessary for creating ATP, dopamine, peptide hormones, and tyrosine. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps lessen oxidative stress to the body and is thought to lower cancer risk.

Studies have shown it to be a powerful antioxidant in the body. Vitamin C is a water-soluble essential vitamin that is quickly lost from your body, so daily intake is vital.

Key Functions
Vitamin C is involved in a large number of biological processes, making it essential for health.
It is used to create collagen in the body, a protein that makes the skin, joints and bones strong.
Vitamin C plays a role in healing wounds within the body.
The body utilizes vitamin C in the immune system by maintaining activity of the white blood cells.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a group of 8 fat-soluble vitamins which help prevent oxidative stress to the body, and other vitamins within the body. Adequate amounts of vitamin E can help protect against heart disease, cancer, and age related eye damage (macular degeneration).

Moringa is rich in cholorophyll, Omega 3 oils and amino acids. It contains more Vitamin C than oranges, more Iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, more potassium than banana, more vitamin than carots and more protein than yoghurt.

Moringa protects your body against harmful toxic elements such as cancer causing carcinogens, truly the greatest nutritional supplement ever discovered. Benefits include:
Promotes healthy fair skin
Boots immune system
Protects heart and brain
Prevents Glaucoma and cataract
Treats Insomia
Increases sperm count and motility

Borage is rich in oleic and palmitic acid, conferring a hypocholesterolemic effect. This helps regulate metabolism and the hormonal system and is considered to be a good remedy for PMS and menopause symptoms such as the hot flash.

Flax Seed Oil
Flax Seed Oil contains omegas 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fiber, protein and zinc. Flax seed oil is the most important health- promoting supplement next to a multi- vitamin. Nearly every system in the body can benefit from flax seed oil’s natural properties, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, circulatory system, reproductive system, nervous system, as well as joints.

Shark Cartilage
Sharks hardly ever get cancer, and some scientists have speculated that shark cartilage contains substances that prevent the formation of new veins that provide the blood supply that allows tumors to grow.

Shark Cartilage is a mixture of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), of which Chondroitin and Glucosamine are found. A popular nutritional supplement that may improve cartilage function. It is normally taken to ease the pain and inflammation of arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other bone and joint ailments. Intestinal inflammations such as enteritis may respond to shark cartilage supplementation.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has been used since Greco-Roman times as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments, particularly liver problems. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries physicians in the United States used milk thistle seeds to relieve congestion of the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Today, several scientific studies suggest that active substances in milk thistle (particularly silymarin) protect the liver from damage caused by viruses, toxins, alcohol, and certain drugs such as acetaminophen (a common over the counter medication used for headaches and pain; acetaminophen, also called paracetamol, can cause liver damage if taken in large quantities or by people who drink alcohol regularly.)

Many professional herbalists recommend milk thistle extract for the prevention and/or treatment of various liver disorders including viral hepatitis, fatty liver associated with long term alcohol use, and liver damage from drugs and industrial toxins such as carbon tetrachloride.
Pine Bark
The most common use of pine bark extract is to prevent and treat a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency. This insufficiency occurs when valves in the veins that carry the blood back to the heart are weak or damaged and the blood collects in the veins of the legs. This collection of blood can lead to varicose veins, spider veins, or sores on the legs. Results that are more serious can include blood clots in the legs. Bioflavonoids called proanthocyanidins in pine bark extract help keep veins and other blood vessels from leaking. Because it strengthens the walls of all blood vessels, pine bark extract may also be effective for slowing retinopathy, the gradual break down of the retina in the eyes. Individuals with arteriosclerosis (a build up of fatty deposits in the arteries), diabetes, or other conditions that increase the likelihood for damage to the small blood vessels in the eyes are more likely to have serious vision problems as a result of blood vessel damage.

Pine bark extract has antioxidant activity. Therefore, taking it helps to limit free radicals -- chemicals that are produced during the breakdown of foods in the body and that can damage cells. Since exercise can produce free radicals, some athletes use pine bark extract to improve their exercise performance. Similarly, some men use pine bark extract because its antioxidant effects are thought to improve fertility by increasing sperm quality and movement. Because pine bark extract may increase the body's production of nitric oxide, a chemical involved in male sexual response, it may also be useful in treating erectile dysfunction.
Garlic has also been studied for the treatment of various types of cancer. In a study of 21 patients with basal cell carcinoma, a topical preparation of ajoene, an organosulfur compound of garlic, was applied to the tumor sites. In 17 of the patients tumor size was reduced. The authors found the mechanism of action to be via induction of the mitochondria-dependent route of apoptosis. A meta-analysis was conducted for all cancers mutually and separately for colorectal and stomach cancers in relation to consumption of exclusively raw garlic, cooked garlic, or both. The authors concluded that high intake of raw and cooked garlic may be associated with a protective effect against stomach and colorectal cancers.

In addition, garlic may be beneficial as an oral rinse, hypertension, atherosclerosis, HIV infection, intermittent claudication, recurrent vaginal infections, diabetes mellitus and erectile dysfunction.

Garlic may interact with prescription medications. Garlic can destroy vitamin K producing bacteria in the gut. A dose of 3 grams daily for 26 weeks can reduce platelet aggregation. Therefore, patients on anticoagulant therapy should have PT and INR’s monitored to stabilize the dosage of coumadin. Also compounds that can modulate the activity of drug-metabolizing enzymes (notably cytochrome p450 isozymes) and/or the drug transporter P-glycoprotein, such as those in garlic, can impact the levels of many prescription drugs, including anti-cancer agents. For this reason, garlic use should be disclosed to providers to ensure patients on drug therapy maintain adequate blood levels. Garlic has also been shown to produce hypoglycemia when taken in combination with chlorpropamide.
Deer Horn
Deer horn can assist with a wide range of conditions. Deer velvet has been used clinically for decades in China, Korea, Japan and more recently in New Zealand. Today, many physicians prescribe deer velvet for diabetes, asthma, anaemia, endocrine problems, arteriosclerosis or stress related problems. Deer velvet is also clinically used for sterility, prostation, tinnitus, dizziness and blood discharge. Deer velvet is a complex substance with unique bioactive properties and is becoming accepted in western countries like vitamins or other dietary supplements.

Deer horn is also a proven stimulator for production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. According to reports from the Orient and New Zealand, Deer Antler increases the white blood cells, hemoglobin levels and lung efficiency. Increased numbers of white blood cells enable to fight "intruder" bugs more efficiently.

Deer horn taken as a nutritional supplement can increase stamina, improve muscle tone and endurance. It appears to be a safe and natural alternative to synthetic steroids. Findings also indicate, that deer antler velvet may work synergistically with creatine to build muscles. It also plays a role in sports during training, performance and recovery.
Hundreds of thousands of people have used Glucosamine, and many have found it extremely effective to not only effectively ease their arthritis-related joint pain, but to also to provide them with far more than just long lasting relief. Glucosamine has been shown in clinical studies to regrow cartilage3, slow the progression of joint deterioration, and possibly even modify the disease itself with almost no side effects.

Glucosamine has been shown in clinical trials for decades to be effective at easing the joint discomfort and largely increasing flexibility. Some studies even indicate that glucosamine may help rebuild cartilage - something traditional NSAID pain relievers are unable to do. Indeed, the research is there, scores and scores of placebo controlled double blind studies report these same facts over and over.
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